Foreign services

Roots procedure: Social, Labor, Family, training.

Legal framework of the assumption of the roots procedure

The temporary residence permit for exceptional circumstances considers two cases: rootedness, on the one hand, and protection and security, on the other.

The legal framework is composed of:

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Article 31.3 of Organic Law 4/2000, on the Rights and Freedoms of Foreigners in Spain and their Social Integration, authorizes the granting of this type of authorization.

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Royal Decree Law 19/2012, on urgent measures for the liberalization of trade and certain services. (click to see)

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Regulation of Organic Law 4/2000, articles 62 to 66 and 123 to 130.

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Law 39/2015 on Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. (click to see)

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Hague Convention for the Apostille of Foreign Documents.

Types of Roots Procedures

The cases of exceptional circumstances are as follows:

General requirements for a root permit

There are requirements, depending on the type of rootedness requested. There are also particularities regarding rural work, among others.

However, all temporary residence permits for roots procedures have some common requirements. These are:

Procedure for the application for the temporary residence permit due to roots.

The procedure consists of applying to the Foreign Office of the province, accompanied by all the corresponding documentation and payment of the temporary residence fee for exceptional circumstances.

Required documentation

The required documentation consists of:

It should be taken into account that, in the case of documentation in another language, it must be translated into Spanish or the co-official language of the territory where the application is submitted.

In addition, it must be legalized by the Spanish consular office in the country of origin or have an apostille according to the Hague Convention of 1961.


The deadlines are as follows:

Obligations of the foreigner

A foreigner who obtains a temporary residence permit on the basis of arraigo has the following obligations:

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